Our Curriculum


Our Curriculum Overview

These are the over-arching principles which we have used when designing our curriculum.

Our curriculum will:

  • Reflect the cultural, spiritual and physical context of the school and its locality
  • Reflect the diversity of Britain and our wider communities
  • Be responsive to the needs of all learners

The value we place on reading and language underpins everything that we do.


At Newbrough CE Primary School we believe that the curriculum is a real opportunity to excite and engage our pupils in learning. We use the National Curriculum as a starting point to plan wide and varied learning experiences for our children which are broadly based, firmly rooted in the local area and enabled by excellent teaching.We seek to ensure that a high quality learning environment is maintained, with both indoor and outdoor aspects forming integral parts of school life, and we work hard to develop self-esteem and nurture each child's individual talents to allow everyone to flourish.

The curriculum is one means by which we, as a school, can work towards our vision.

We are continually reviewing and modifying our curriculum which evolves according to the needs of our children and to the aspirations of the staff and community.

Values    Our school curriculum is underpinned by our school values of:


  • courage
  • compassion
  • perseverance
  • respect


Aims and Objectives

When we plan and organise our curriculum we want it to:

  • Engage the children in learning
  • Enable them to learn how to learn
  • Provide them with opportunities to be creative and reflective
  • Allow them to develop their skills of collaboration and resilience
  • Give them knowledge and allow them to develop an understanding of the world in which we live
  • Teach them about the physical, historical and cultural landscape of the North East and its impact nationally
  • Teach them the skills which they will need as they go through life
  • Teach the children how to be healthy and give them opportunities to take part in a range of PE activities so that they develop an understanding of, and positive attitude towards, a healthy and active lifestyle.
  • Allow children to develop spiritually
  • Provide opportunities for ‘courageous advocacy’
  • Fulfil all the requirements of the national Curriculum and the Diocesan syllabus for RE.

Children with Special Needs

As an inclusive school, we strive to ensure that all children have access to all of our curriculum. If necessary, we differentiate activities  or provide a range of support in order to help overcome any barriers that children  may have in a particular subject.

Monitoring and Review

Our Local Academy Council is responsible for monitoring both the breadth of the curriculum and the way it is implemented

The Head teacher is responsible for the day to day organisation of the curriculum and monitors the curriculum through planning, work scrutiny and classroom observations.

All staff are involved in reviewing and adapting the curriculum to ensure it remains engaging and relevant to each group of learners. Staff each take the lead for different subject areas; this includes monitoring their subjects, leading training for other staff and keeping up to date with developments in their subjects.

If you would like to find out more about our School Curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact us.