
Music enriches individual lives as well as the school as a community and we believe it is important that children are given the opportunity to experience music which plays an important role in primary school.
In EYFS, children regularly sing as a means of learning across the curriculum and games and songs provide the foundations for developing a sense of rhythm and the ability to maintain a steady beat.  Through singing, exploring making music and listening to music, children experience the joy and creativity that this can bring.
In Key Stage 1 and 2 we provide a curriculum that nurtures fundamental techniques and builds musical skills and knowledge via a variety of genres.    
In EYFS, we use music and songs as a way of gathering children at the beginning of the day, as well as a way of teaching across the curriculum.  Children build up their knowledge learning a bank of core songs and rhymes.
Children are taught in mixed age classes and follow a two year cycle.  In Key Stage 1 we use Charanga to deliver our class music lessons which are planned to provide experiences in listening and evaluating, singing, improvising, composing and performing.  In Key Stage 2 children continue to build on their musical skills and as well as using Charanga, also have a year learning a musical instrument and a year doing musical theatre. 
Through daily worship children are exposed to a diverse range of music that they listen to as well as learning a core bank of hymns and songs.  
Music clubs, such as recorder and choir are run at lunch times at different points in the year.
Individual music lessons in piano and guitar are also offered during the school day for children in Year 1 and above.