


In our school, we want our children to be independent and resilient in using technology by the end of Key Stage 2.

In Early Years, we focus on the computational thinking skills, linked to the Early Learning Goals. This computational thinking skills are then built on throughout KS1 and KS2.

In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, our primary method of teaching is using Teach Computing to cover the strands: computing systems and networks, creating media, programming, and data and information. Furthermore, we have programming units using Sphero Bolts embedded across each two year cycle. All children in KS1 and KS2 are taught touch typing and accessibility features of technology in Autumn 1. This is with the view of our children, especially children with SEND, using technology to aid their learning.

For additional online internet safety, we use Project Evolve resources in KS1 and KS2. EYFS focus on a story linked to online safety each half term.



In Early Years, computational thinking is taught to match the Early Learning goals, sometimes using Barefoot Computing for suggestions of activities. The skills taught are reviewed by the EYFS class teacher each half term, to ensure coverage.

In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, class teachers sometimes teach computing in blocks (e.g. over 2 consecutive days), or otherwise we teach weekly lessons. This varies from class to class, and the nature of the unit being taught. We make explicit links to other subjects where possible, and encourage use of technology in other subjects, for a variety of purposes, such as for presenting information in RE or CAD in DT. We encourage children to think about the pros and cons to using technology, such as when comparing digital writing to using pencil in the KS1 digital art unit.

Classroom teachers make adaptations to their teaching to ensure the inclusion of all children. For example, we ensure to give the children time to plan a program before they get going, to reduce the load on working memories. 

From Reception to Year 6, internet safety is also taught using a mixture of blocks, and weekly lessons, at each class teacher’s discretion. There is an additional focus on internet safety when particular issues arise or around specific occasions, such as Safer Internet Day. 



The impact is measured using pupil voice, lesson observations, staff questionnaires and discussions, including during staff meetings.