Art and Design

Art and Design


Each term, each class takes part in 2 art days.  A range of experiences are planned by class teachers and each class studies the work of different carefully chosen artists.  There is a strong emphasis on the development of skills – drawing, using colour, texture, form, printing and pattern - and lessons are planned to ensure there is progression as children move through the school. 

We have also been fortunate enough to be involved in a range of projects with external agencies- including 'Beneath our Feet' which was a joint project co-ordinated by Queen's Hall, Hexham and funded by English Heritage. You can see more information about the project and our amazing animations telling the history of the mining industry in our village on Class 3's page. Our art curriculum is enhanced by visits to performances, exhibitions and art galleries like the Baltic- have a look at the photos on the Class 4 page from our recent visit to the Baltic as part of our Landmarks project.  We are working towards our 'Artsmark' award. We  look forward to sharing our artistic experiences and creations with you.


Class 3 enjoyed learning all about Georgia O'Keeffe an American Artist who was key in the modernist movement. They painted some fabulous Lake George Reflection pictures, using mixed media of watercolour paint and pastels, before going on to plan and paint their own 'Fantasy Landscapes', with some truly original and impressive pieces.
Class 3 had a fabulous week learning all about sculpture focusing on Antoni Gaudi and Antony Gormley, both artists were prepared to push the boundaries of art and sculpture and be bold and different.
Take a look at our Gaudi inspired lamp posts, a functional everyday object redesigned as a work of art.
If you visit Barcelona you can see the wonderful pair of lamp posts that Gaudi designed, his first ever commission, built in 1879 they still stand either side of the fountain in Placa Reial.
I wonder what he would think of Class 3's amazing designs and construction?
Class 3 have enjoyed putting the final touches to their illuminated letters using gold leaf. There are some stunning designs of their chosen inspiring words associated with Olympians. 
Here is our progression document which shows the skills each child will learn in each year that they are with us. You will also find our long term plan which shows our themes for each year group.